ใจเย็นๆ อย่ารีบร้อน ต้องจับให้มั่น คั้นให้อยู่ จักได้ดิ้นไม่หลุด


ใจเย็นๆ อย่ารีบร้อน ต้องจับให้มั่น คั้นให้อยู่ จักได้ดิ้นไม่หลุด
๗ กุมภาพันธ์ ๒๕๖๗

มีผู้ถามเข้ามาว่า เวลานี้ในโลกโซเชียลพากันเรียกร้องให้ดำเนินการ ขับพวกคณาจารย์ทั้ง ๑๑๘ นายและนาง ออกจากระบบการเรียนการสอน เพราะเป็นผู้ยัดเยียดความคิดล้มล้าง กัดกร่อน บ่อนแซะ สถาบันพระมหากษัตริย์ ให้แก่เด็กและเยาวชนนักศึกษา ในสถาบันการศึกษา ไม่เว้นแม้แต่ในมหาวิทยาลัย

ท่านไม่คิดจะดำเนินการใดๆ กับพวกคณาจารย์กบฏพวกนี้บ้างหรือ

ตอบ :

ไม่ใช่ไม่เคยคิด ฉันคิดและทำมาก่อนที่ศาลรัฐธรรมนูญจะมีคำวินิจฉัยมาตั้งแต่วันที่ ๒๕ มีนาคม ๒๕๖๔



โปรดติดตามตอนต่อไป ดูว่าเรื่องนี้จักจบอย่างไร



ลิ้งค์จาก : https://www.facebook.com/buddha.isara/posts/pfbid0kiX3etafLytodJjXGMhs183b4dxpjTSAjpGnGGddSgrLZ5YrXS6iAGnD65euCmGnl


Hold your horses. Don’t hurry. To prove them guilty, we must thoroughly collect pieces of evidence.
February 7, 2024

Right now, a lot of people on social media are calling for the expulsion of the 118 university lecturers who have cultivated ideas of abolishing and undermining the monarchy among children and youth, even on campus.

Somebody asked whether I would not take any action against these rebellious lecturers.

Answer :

No. I did think and act even before the Constitution Court’s verdict of March
25, 2022.

Then, the university replied as enclosed.

And then, I wrote several Facebook articles on this issue.

Please follow up and see how this issue will end.

Buddha Isara


Previous article : https://www.facebook.com/buddha.isara/posts/pfbid0kiX3etafLytodJjXGMhs183b4dxpjTSAjpGnGGddSgrLZ5YrXS6iAGnD65euCmGnl


125/7 Moo 17 Malai Man Road
Huay Kwang Subdistrict,
Kampaeng Saen District
Nakhon Pathom Province

March 25, 2021

Subject: Request Chancellor of the Thammasat University, Thammasat University Council, and Management of Thammasat University to take action against university officials and lecturers who have violated Section 6 and Section 50 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and the 6th-11th and the 33(3) of the Ethics and Principles of Employees and Lecturers of the Thammasat University

Dear Adjunct Professor Dr. Anek Laothamatas, Minister of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

Via Minister Anucha Nakasia, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office

References: 1) Thammasat University Act, B.E. 2558 (2015)

2) Regulations of the Thammasat University on Principles for Employees and Lecturers, B.E. 2551 and Amendment (2nd Edition) of B.E. 2554

As publicly shown in pictures and news on several occasions, some students of Thammasat University expressed their views in speech, in writing, in pictures, or any other means, that violated and criticized the royal institution, which is highly respected and adored by Thais. In addition, some groups of Thammasat University lecturers, especially a group calling themselves “The Nitirat Group”, have supported the students. These lecturers have taught the students by aiming to devalue the monarchy and cause hatred against the royal institution. Such behaviors show that those lecturers have misused their knowledge and misled students which has caused hatred against the monarchy. This has caused national unrest which has undermined the stability of national institutions. The Nitirat Group lecturers under the supervision of the Thammasat University Chancellor, have neglected the social conflicts and chaos caused by their actions, as shown in some evidence. This can be deemed as the lack of moral consciousness to perform the duties according to Section 6, “The King shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship and shall not be violated. No person shall expose the King to any sort of accusation or action.”, and Section 50 on the following duties of Thai citizens:

(1) to protect and uphold the Nation, religions, the King, and the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State;

(2) to defend the country, to protect and uphold the honor, and interests of the Nation, and the public domain of the State, as well as to cooperate in preventing and mitigating disasters;

(3) to strictly observe the law;

(6) to respect and not to violate the rights and liberties of other persons and not to commit any act which may cause disharmony or hatred in society;

The actions of those lecturers are thus not regarded as ethical and moral academic freedom.

Thammasat University is an institution under the supervision of the Royal Thai Government, and the university lecturers, including the Nitirat Group, were royally endorsed with academic titles and royal decorations. Nevertheless, the behaviors of those university lecturers have not supported the stability of the major national institutions namely the Nation, the Religions, and the King. On the other hand, their behaviors have directly and indirectly undermined the stability of the national institutions, including Buddhism. As a result of these reasons, we, the Thai people who love the country, the religions, and the King, under the name “The Army of Thai Royalists” or “Kor Tor Por Sor” would like to request the Chancellor of Thammasat University and the Thammasat University Council Committee to take responsibility for the damages caused by the undermining of the stability of the nation, religions, and the King by ceasing or limiting the roles of the Nitirat Group and revoking the status of student of those whose behaviors are detrimental to national institutions and violated Section 6 and Section 50 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Regulations of the Thammasat University on Principles for Employees and Lecturers, B.E. 2551 and Amendment (2nd Edition) of B.E. 2554. We, the Thai people who love the country, the religions, and the King, under the name “The Army of Thai Royalists” or “Kor Tor Por Sor” look forward to the results of the above-mentioned requests. We would highly appreciate it if the Chancellor could reply to us in writing on the decision of the Thammsat University and the Thammasat University Council.

Thammsat University is a higher education institution under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. As a result, we do hope that the Minister of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation would kindly consider overseeing the management of the Thammsat University’s Chancellor and the Thammsat University Council to promptly cease the wrongdoings and damages caused by the “Nitirat Group” towards national institutions.


Buddha Isara
Coordinator of The Army of Thai Royalists

Contact person: Mr. Teerayut Suwankesorn, cell: 097-036-8031
Mr. Pongthep Payapwattanapong, cell: 098-289-2823


Nor Ror 0305.03/50896
Dear Mr. Theerayut Suwankesorn,

According to the submission of the letter dated March 25, 2022, to the 1111 Public Service Center, the Royal Thai Government’s Complaint Receiving Center, the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, regarding the behaviors of the Thammasat University’s personnel.

Office of the Permanent Secretary, the Prime Minister’s Office has already passed the subject to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation in charge of the subject to review and send you a direct notification on the result.

For your acknowledgment.

Office of the Permanent Secretary
The Prime Minister’s Office
March 26, 2021

Public Service Center
Tel: 02-283-4411 Government Hotline: 1111
Fax: 02-283-4525, E-mail: ccc_opm@opm.go.th
Coordinator: Miss Poonyanoot Boonpratham, Reference: NorRor01640001227
