April 22, 2022
I feel sympathetic. Not sure if those people know that what they are doing is a path of carelessness, like the following Buddha’s teaching.
“Bhikkus, I would like to tell you that decay is inherent in all component things.
Work out your salvation with mindfulness.”
“Careless people were like the dead.”
“Careless people will eternally suffer from grief.”
“A person who was previously evil but later stops lights up the world like the moon emerging from clouds.”
What are the causes of carelessness?
Delusion (ignorance, lack of knowledge)
Craving (desire)
Attachment (clinging, grasping)
Aside from delusion, desire, and attachment which are causes of carelessness, there are four types of enticement, as follows.
1. One is carelessly infatuated by objects seen and touched.
2. One is careless with what they have heard, both good and bad.
3. One carelessly underestimates deterioration and grief till one views everything as sadness. (This is the cause of depression.)
4. One underestimates virtues that are beneficial for their living, such as
Reciprocating what you received
Moral shame
Moral fear
Giving and sacrifice
Precepts-carefully behaving oneself according to morality
Continuously practicing Dharma, such as meditation and contemplation
One is lured by the first three types of enticement, which cause our carelessness.
The last one is the internal factor or one’s lack of responsibility for oneself. Then, one is dominated by delusion, desire, and attachment.
I have explained with good intention.
Buddha Isara