Questions and answers
October 20, 2020
Question: Will the Appeal Court’s granting bail to prominent protest leaders would spoil the protesters? Or the government let these anti-monarchy protesters to go on?
After hearing the news, the person who asked this question felt dejected.
Answer: Don’t be too vindictive. If they are not too terrible, you should give them a chance. The Appeal Court granted bail to protest leaders because of misdemeanors.
This will also reduce the pressure towards the government.
When the protesters called for bail, the court granted it.
The government’s scheme is to separate fish from water. The government is trying to arrest the mastermind.
We will have to watch whether this really reduces the pressure like the powerful has expected. The court did not grant bail to some protest leaders. Some protest leaders were released on bail but then detained because of other offenses.
These protests shall continue for some time. Don’t forecast what will happen because it will make us feel more stressed. We have to watch the situation day by day.
What we can do now is to be prepared for the big gathering to protect the monarchy. Again, watch the situations but take it easy. Then, you won’t feel stressed.
Buddha Issara